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October 24, 2024 @ 8:30 AM

Tautog fishing in Rhode Island couldn’t be better.  Some of the best Tautog (blackfish) are caught September through November. Book your 6 Hour  Tautog Fishing Charter today!

The water temperature for is just right for Tautog Fishing now through December. As the water gets colder they go deeper. Come enjoy some of the greatest fishing "FALL TAUTOG FISHING!"

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June 8, 2024 @ 4:53 AM

While the RI Striped Bass fishing regulations and possession limit over the last few years have been a concern for so many anglers, it does seem that there are more Striped Bass to catch in our Rhode Island Waters. Block Island Striped Bass Fishing is hot right now as the Striped Bass are gorging on sand eels which generates surface action for light tackle anglers. Clients aboard Fishing Charters RI are capitalizing on the numerous fishing techniques available this time of year. In addition, slot size fish of 28-31 inches are abundant now but that will probably change by July and beyond. Rhode Island Striped Bass fishing in the late summer typically produce Striped Bass ranging from 30 - 50 pounds which provide great action but do need to .........

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July 14, 2022 @ 8:42 AM

When you look at all the comments left by our striped bass fishing charter clients it is easy to see that we are the: 

Best Rhode Island Striped Bass Fishing Charters


Book a charter with us TODAY!

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December 1, 2020 @ 4:53 PM

                                It’s Time to Winterize Your Boat!


For most boaters in New England, the time has come or has recently passed to pull your boat out of the water and winterize it for the winter.

So captain… what should I do to winterize my vessel?

Well, this depends on what marine power your vessel is equipped with!

Let’s talk about outboards first…

This is the time to drain the lower unit and replace it with a high-quality marine gear oil before winter.

Look for any signs of water intrusion in the lower unit while it is being drained. Telltale signs include a milky color of the oil if it has water in it. This......

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November 1, 2020 @ 1:32 PM

Rhode Island Echo Newspaper November  2019 Published Article

Rhode Island waters have experienced two major coastal storms in the first two weeks of October with winds up to 50 mph and seas at Block Island to 16 feet high with even the Block Island Ferry shutting service down at times. However, when the dust settled, or in this case the sea conditions, sharpie anglers got a taste of what this great Rhode Island fishery has to offer!

On a recent fishing charter that was designed to target Tautog, a last-minute change in plans due to an injured missing crew member sent the charter in a different direction…A southwest direction.

The last-minute plans had the charter party going southwest out of Galilee to Block Island’s &......

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October 1, 2020 @ 2:00 PM

Don’t Even Think About Winterizing Your Boat Yet, The best fishing action is in October 

But first, let’s review the current fishing activity...

Striped Bass activity is still sporadic at Block Island, but good size fish are still being caught on the right tides and time of day. We should have a Fall migration in October as the Striped Bass  head south for the winter

In the pic below, Nathaniel Pakuris, 2018 R.I.S.A.A. Junior Angler of the year and part time mate aboard Captain Sheriff’s Fishing Charters displays his 30lb Striper caught jigging early September while making another run for the award in 2019 .

Seabass have invaded all the rocky structure of Rhode Island. As of just recently, it has been ......

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July 1, 2020 @ 1:48 PM

RI Echo Newspaper July 2019 Published Article                                                  


The waters around the Island are teaming sand eels and squid which are creating a frenzy for gamefish such as Striped Bass and Bluefish.

Our charter clients are loving this as well because even rookie anglers can become proficient quickly due to the ability to hook up with multitudes of Bass and Blues which are mostly being released. Our go to lure is the Deadly Dick lure which is a metal jig that imitates sand eels and can be casted or vertically jigged. This lure catches every species of fish we have. In ......

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March 8, 2020 @ 2:37 PM


                               What to Consider When Selecting a Fishing Charter! 

Anglers or want to be anglers have many many choices on who they can venture out to sea with when selecting a fishing charter.

What is the difference between one captain and boat from another ?

Why not just select the least expensive charter?

Well.. There is a difference!

A few considerations include... The type of boat, the size of boat, the equipment, fishing and tackle supplied, reputation and experience of the captain, mate, insurance, USCG inspections and more..

Lets review a few details about Captain Sheriff and Fish on II.

Captain Sheriff's .........

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March 8, 2020 @ 9:00 AM

In an effort to try and accommodate anglers who cannot successfully assemble their own private charter group, Captain Sheriff does offer a possible solution called Shared Charters.

 Anglers that wish to become part of a group can sign up utilizing the Reserve your Charter Date selection on this website and select the drop down.. Shared Charter. It is necessary for anglers to Pre-pay the $200.00 - $250.00 per person to confirm your wish to possibly become part of a group. Please make sure you select the day or days of your availability and or the flexibility of the charter trip desired as well. Due to the unavailability of openings on weekends, the shared charters is a potential option .........

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March 1, 2020 @ 5:00 PM

Benefits of Synthetic Lubrication to the Recreational, Charter & Commercial Fishing Industry

The Origin of Synthetic Oils .

Research into alternatives to petroleum oil began long before Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1933. But not until WWII choked off Germany’s crude oil supply and dramatically revealed petroleum oil’s failings on the front lines did a clear incentive to develop synthetic oil emerge.

The Limitations of Distilling Conventional Oils

Conventional oils have inherent limitations. Distillation cannot remove impurities detrimental to lubrication such as waxes, that solidify in cold and prevent engines from starting . Distillation can’t remove the lighter unstable molecules that evaporate due to high ......

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Fishing Charters Rhode Island
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Email: Captain John Sheriff - sheriff61@msn.com

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If you are searching for a Rhode Island fishing charter captain, Rhode Island fishing charters, RI fishing charters , Rhode Island Fishing , or Fishing charters Rhode Island then you have come to the right charter fishing website.
Captain John Sheriff offers Rhode Island Saltwater Fishing Charter for Shark, Tautog, Sea Bass, Fluke, Striper, Bluefish, Tuna and Cod.
Fishing Charters RI   -   Watch Hill - Galilee   - Pt. Judith - Narragansett Bay - Block Island Sound